lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

The End of Sacrifice

Jesus talk about his Kingdom by saying it is not from this world (=conditional phenomena). This world is the world of the religions (paradoxically) that help us to re-join God (Unconditional Phenomena). Religion comes from Latin "re-ligare" that means "re-join". So, there's no religion in Paradise (the permanent nature of eternity). At the same time, religions show the lacks of human nature, because at Paradise (Nirvana) no religion is needed. So, that's why Jesus called himself our brother (it means we are or/and could be as him). The Cross symbolize the Ego, but at the same time its end (the end of conditional phenomena) and Resurretion the eternal life. Jesus' sacrifice means that there are no need of more "sacrifices", because they weren't real sacrifices ("sacrifice" from Latin means "Sacred Officium", real work, real life), but wordly sacrifices (=conditional phenomena).

Jesús María Bustelo Acevedo

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